Distance Meetings
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-06-19
- View count:2851
- Conditions: Inmate’s spouse, first of kin, kinship within 3rd of kin, relatives due to marriage within 2nd of kin are all eligible to apply for long distance visitation at the correctional institution in which the inmate is. Two people per visit please.
- First of kin: paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, father, mother, foster parents, step parents, children of marriage, foster children, grandchildren.
- Within 3rd of kin: brothers and sisters, spouses of brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces.
- Relatives due to marriage within 2nd of kin: father and mother-in-laws, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brothers and sisters of the spouse, spouses of the brothers and sisters of the spouse
- Application procedure:
- Download the application form. Fill out the application form completely. Submit proof of identity such as Citizen ID or household registration form. Send as registered mail or fax all the documents for inspection and verification one week before the visitation date to the correctional institution where the inmate is.
- The institution will notify the applicants of the application result by phone, mail or email; if approved, will confirm with the applicant the date and nearest location of the institution to the applicant for the long distance visitation.
- On the day of the long distance visitation, the applicant must bring proof of identification to the confirmed institution location and fill out a long distance visitation registration form. After verifying identity, visitation will begin in the form of internet connection with the inmate who is in the other institution location.